If you have been served with a temporary protection order you need to be prepared to contest the order becoming permanent. The way protection orders work in Colorado is the petitioner files a document that explains why they are seeking a protection order. Based on this document a court can grant a temporary protection order (TPO). The court will set another court date to make the temporary order a permanent protection order and to allow the petitioner time to have the restrained party served with the temporary order. It’s the petitioner’s burden to establish the proof necessary for the court to grant the order’s permanence. You can oppose the petitioner’s request to make the order permanent at this hearing. It’s important that you are present at this hearing to state your objection to the order becoming permanent. There are consequences that will occur from having a protection order in place against you as well as criminal consequences if you violate the order. We represent citizens in protection order hearings, and we have achieved successful results for our clients. Contact us immediately if you have been served with a temporary protection order and are facing that order becoming permanent.

Author: Maher and Maher Law
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