A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards. More than that no man is entitled, and less than that no man shall have. — Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States 1903
We believe that the military veterans of our nation shall enjoy the full extent of the rights and protections afforded every citizen in the United States Constitution. We work every day to ensure this happens. In the Pikes Peak region, nearly one-fourth of our residents are connected to the military in some form. From active duty to retirees to military contractors and on-base workers, the military community’s presence in our local community is substantial.
Criminal charges for veterans, retirees, and active-duty members will carry collateral consequences that other members of our society will not experience. Current military service members facing legal action may quickly find their careers in jeopardy and the possibility of bad conduct discharge despite years of stellar service. Veterans and retirees may face severe impact to their future retirement and benefits. And let’s be real, there are members of prosecuting attorneys’ offices around this state who may see your service as “scary” and may think you “a danger to society” because of your training and mindset.
We are a force in legal readiness prepared to move when you need us because we understand the unique challenges that military personnel may experience when navigating the legal system and we understand the impact these matters can have on your life. We will not stand for anyone attempting to remove the sheen from your service.
Joe was trained in the Marine Corps tradition of rapid movement of combat power. As a Captain in the United States Marine Corps and commanded two platoons and a company of Marines during three deployments to Iraq between 2003 and 2008. Joe is a combat veteran of the Iraq war, and he was awarded the Marine Corps Association’s Chambers Award for leadership following his company command tour. Joe’s service makes him singularly unique in the Southern Colorado legal community and provided him with a clear understanding of the conditions military members and veterans will encounter when facing legal action. He understands how legal action can impact a serviceperson’s career, and he has deep experience with representing service members in the veteran’s court systems in Colorado.
There are many good attorneys in southern Colorado, Joe believes military members and veterans are best served by an attorney who has (1) experienced the same challenges as combat veterans and (2) followed that experience with a commitment to vigorously represent his brothers and sisters in a time of legal need.
On this day we extend to you sincere and solemn gratitude for your commitment to defend the fundamental beliefs of our nation. You should be proud of joining the long line of brother and sisters who earned our nation’s respect today.